i started this day with an email from a dear friend. a woman who never fails to make me laugh and smile just at the thought of her. i met latrease five years ago in a room full of strangers who signed up to do a play about women and their vaginas. and their bodies. and their hearts. she thought i was a jerk because i sat on the side, reading my newspaper with my arms folded. this was my armor: the newspaper, the arms, the silence, all of it. we've laughed and talked about that day many times. we just did it at her baby shower a few weeks ago.
this woman, the angry vagina, who's just about the least angry person i know, is about to become a mama. she has laughed with me on the phone and my kitchen, gone dancing with me to celebrate my birthday, and let me rant and yell in emails and on the phone. this woman, with whom i can sit for two hours and feel like no time has passed. she's one of those friends. i adore this woman.
in no particular order, these are the things she has taught me:
these are the best years. stop worrying and just live.
playing beyonce at a baby shower is just about the best thing i wish i'd thought of.
laugh at yourself as often as possible, but do it with kindness.
shedding old layers and old feelings is necessary if we want to change. and we can only become better through change.
women have more power than we realize. find that power, own it, don't waste it.
when in doubt go with something that sparkles.
nobody goes to dance clubs before 10:00pm.
you had better wear comfortable shoes at those clubs or you won't feel your toes for two days.
do things that make you feel good, only these things.
pay more attention to the people who say, "i love who you're becoming" and less to the ones who say nothing.
it's amazing the life that happens in five years. i'm so thankful i finally put that newspaper down and said hi.
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